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Friday, October 9, 2009

F-A-T-I-G-U-E! What's that spell? FATIGUE

We have one busy boy these days! His newest accomplishment is climbing...on EVERYTHING! I have found him on the couch, on the toy box, on his rocking chair, on the kitchen chair and even on the kitchen table--I must pull him off of furniture 100 times a day! Seriously! Of course, these are accidents waiting to happen, so we've had plenty of falls and plenty of bruises. Despite falls, he gets right up and does it again! He is so proud of his furniture scaling abilities. I, on the other hand, am exhausted from running around after him trying to prevent more injuries! He certainly has a mind of his own these days! He hates getting dressed, won't let me brush his teeth, fights going to sleep, etc. Despite all of these challenges, I love that little man more than ANYTHING! But, Mama needs a BREAK! So, work actually provides a little respite for me.

Speaking of work, I started a new job a last month. I am a Private Duty Nurse providing in home care for a young girl with Cystic Fibrosis. I've decided I am well suited for home care rather than hospital nursing. I think I have found a great fit and I really enjoy it. The family is incredibly flexible and very nice. And my client is a lot of fun!

Check out our photo albums (links to the right or at the bottom of the page) to see what we've been up to.