Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Friday, August 13, 2010

Funny Man

Our little man is becoming quite verbal and is learning new things like crazy! I am often surprised by what he does or says.

Quotes by Vince:
  • "What the heck!" is one of his favorites
  • "Beep, beep" when he wants someone to move
  • "Like it" if he likes something or "No like it" when he doesn't like something and most recently "Oh my, like it!"
  • "My rock" when he wants to be rocked at night
  • "Arm, please" when he wants to snuggle with me and lay on my arm
  • "D*mnit" I have no idea where he picked that one up! Oops....
It's really funnier to hear these quotes rather than read them. While he's definitely at a challenging age, he is also at a very fun age. He makes me laugh everyday!

Giana is really growing! She is starting to smile and coo. Oh my gosh-her beautiful baby smile brightens my day!