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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

LONG overdue

Yikes! Yes, it's really been over a year since my last post! I guess the wee ones have been keeping me busy! I wanted to update our family and friends on Giana (speech delay).

After Giana's 18 month check up I contacted our school district to inquire about services for her speech delay (recommendation of our pediatrician). Over a month and a half we had observations, evaluations and, this week, a meeting to discuss results. Giana had average scores in all areas of development except communication. Receptive language was at 91% and expressive was at 5%. This is a considerable gap (making a potentially frustrated girl because she understands so much, but can vocalize so little). Her expressive language score qualifies her for services with the school district. So starting in March, Kim, the Speech Language Pathologist, will make weekly visits to our house to work with us and support us as we aim to get Giana speaking at a level closer to her peers. Kim has already given us several things to start working on. Our hope is that G is just a 'late talker' (entirely possible since her brother talks a mile a minute and leaves no time for her to talk). Hopefully once she gets a little boost, her language will take off. Time will tell. We'll review her progress in 6 months. I am so grateful for the support we'll be getting and I must say I'm very pleased with Lakeville School District ECSE (Early Childhood Special Education).