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Saturday, May 12, 2012

Speech Update

Giana has been receiving speech services for two months (just 7 sessions).  She has made amazing progress--she's gained tons of words (well over 50+), she's combining words and using multiple syllables!  I'm thrilled.  And I'm not the only one who's impressed.  At our speech visit this week, Kim (speech pathologist) said G will be exited from the program before her next review (due in August).  She is producing speech sounds that can take up to age four to master!  We are continuing to work on things like pronunciation and using 2 syllables.  She is attempting more, but it's not always very clear.  I am SO grateful for the help we've received.  Kim is fantastic and has been so supportive.  We'll miss her when the visits end, but it's so awesome that Giana is catching up!