Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What a difference a month makes!

Wow! Vince has been one busy guy this month. Seems like he transitioned overnight from his army-crawl, to the hands and knees crawl, to cruising, to walking (running) behind toys! And he just keeps going. I can't believe how he gets around! Certainly keeps me busy!

Vince and I have been doing a parent and child swim class recently. While he loves the water, he is not a big fan of the structured time and the cold pool. But I have learned ways to teach him skills in the water. Maybe next summer he'll do better at following directions.

We broke down and took Vince in for his first haircut! I liked his hair long, but it was growing over his ears and eyes. He did a pretty good job. Now he looks like such a big boy with his new do!

I thought maybe we should begin working on good dental hygiene habits, so I decided to try brushing Vincent's teeth (still only two) and gums. He absolutely loves it! He comes 'running' the minute he sees the little toothbrush/gum massager on my finger! I haven't decided if it's the brush or the toothpaste that he likes best. But I think some top teeth might be working their way through, so the brush probably feels good on his gums.

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