Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Saturday, June 19, 2010

She's Here!

Giana Rose Shalikow was born at 12:22 pm on June 16th! She weighed 7lbs, 5oz and was 20in long.

Steve was a wreck waiting to go into the OR. And I have to admit that I was a little scared during the wait and as it became a reality during the prep in the OR. Giana was delivered quickly which helped me relax. Just like her big bro, she was really quiet after delivery, making both parents nervous. I think we just have observant children who were busy checking out their new surroundings immediately after birth. Everything went well, except some excess blood loss (related to the placenta previa), which has resulted in a very low hemoglobin for me. So, I just need to take it easy and allow my body to heal (which is really easy with two kids-Ha!).

We are happy to be home and are so grateful for our beautiful and healthy children!

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