Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Friday, July 30, 2010


After 6 weeks with our new family member I think we are all adjusting well. It certainly is a huge transition.

Vincent doesn't understand yet that he needs to be careful and gentle with Giana, so we need to keep a close eye on him around her! He has become quite possessive since Giana's birth. I must hear "My (nuk, milk, Mommy, Daddy, etc.)" 50 times a day! He was even upset about sharing his diaper rash ointment and cried out "butt cream" once while I was changing Giana! But really, he has done fairly well with Giana and is frequently giving his baby sister kisses!

Curious George cartoons are a life saver these days (and the only way I can get a shower in). I am finally getting to the point where I can get out of the house with both kids. Hopefully by fall we'll be up for even more outings and activities.

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