Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Friday, October 8, 2010


That one word describes my life! I feel truly blessed each day!

The kids are amazing little wonders! Vincent surprises me daily with all that he is learning! I am amazed at how much his language has exploded in the last few months. He LOVES books. I bring him to Movin' and Groovin' class once a week and various other activities when we can (ECFE playtime, Open Gym, playdates, storytime). It is such a joy to watch him grow and learn!

Giana is a little doll. She is so happy and smiley! She loves cooing, squealing and attempting to laugh! She is holding her head up during tummy time, working really hard on rolling and grabbing everything she can get her little hands on. She is a huge fan of fingers these days-they must be yummy!

Steve is working his tail off! He's back to 50 hour work weeks and full time school on top of that! I am keeping my fingers crossed that he finishes his IT degree quickly and that we will have our daddy/husband back.

I am doing my best to take care of the family, house and occasionally myself! I am participating in a MOMS (Ministry of Mothers Sharing) group at church. I have met some wonderful women and have realized my desire for deeper friendships with my fellow moms. I am so appreciative of the wonderful friends in my life.

As I look at look at my family and the beauty outside (fall is my favorite time of year), I can't help but be grateful for all that I have! I am truly blessed!

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