Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Growing like a weed!

Giana is following in her big brother's footsteps. She was 95% for height at her 4 month check up (only 24% for weight)! . She is doing great! She's a happy little peanut! She's starting to laugh and is occasionally rolling over. I talked with the doctor about some asymmetry of her leg creases/rolls. Dr. V really checked out her hips rotating them all around. He said he didn't feel any clicks and that she has good tone, but wanted her to get an ultrasound and x-ray to be safe. She had a hip ultrasound this morning at Children's Hospital in Minneapolis and the x-ray was done at her clinic on Monday. I am anxious to get the results.

Have I mentioned that I love our pediatrician, Dr. Vlodaver at Fairview Oxboro in Bloomington? He is very proactive. Some might think he is overly cautious, but being a medical professional, I appreciate his desire to rule out more serious issues. He is also the Doc for my sister, Haley's kids!

Ahhhh....Vincent! I really should be writing down all of the funny things that come out of his mouth! He is a riot, although not beyond a tantrum every now and then. He is really starting to pay attention to Giana! I love it-they are so cute together!

Halloween was fun. The kids were Peter Pan and Tinkerbell! We did a few different Halloween activities in the area and Steve took Vince out trick or treating on Halloween. I don't think Vince has quite figured out Halloween, but he sure liked the candy (and so did Mom and Dad)!

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